Sjoerd se dedica a la comunicación y distingue dos grupos de personas. Los que se enfocan hacia la felicidad y los que se encaminan a lo significativo (o trascendente). Los primeros colocan a su ser como finalidad en la vida y todo se dirige alrededor del ‘yo’. Los segundos quieren contribuir y ser útiles a los demás. En el proceso de averiguar lo que es bueno para ellos se combina los dos objetivos y contribuir afecta a la felicidad de la persona. Trabajar planteando tu contribución al mundo debe ser apacible.
There are two types of focus: one focus is on happiness and the other is focus on meaning. People who focus on happiness, mainly think about what is good for them as a person. Whilst people who strive for meaning want to contribute to something that is bigger than themselves. Well I feel that in my work, most of the conversations are about the meaning we give to life, which in my case is always focused on how can I contribute to the life of others. Contributing is like a horizon that travels with me, it can never be reached, it is an aim that I constantly aspire to. 

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